Best Caring Tips for Dental Crowns

Best Caring Tips for Dental Crowns

December 27, 2022

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are coverings that fit over your natural teeth. They help correct an array of cosmetic flaws and can restore strength to a severely decayed tooth. They can even help keep your bite intact. Dental crowns require care and maintenance to avoid potential problems and prolong their lifespan. Whether you have one or several crowns, the following tips will help you with your dental crown care and keep your beautiful smile for years to come.

  • Practice good oral hygiene: Your crowns are ‘artificial’, but they do need routine care, just like your natural teeth. You need to brush the crown twice daily to remove the sticky plaque over its surface. This will keep the crown looking its best. Do not forget to floss between the crown and your neighboring teeth. Since germs and food particles can get trapped in those corners. You can floss around your crown in the same way you floss your natural teeth.
  • Avoid sticky and crunchy foods: Dental crowns are durable and strong enough to last longer. However, they can still get damaged, like your natural teeth. The foods you eat can determine the longevity of your crown.
    Chewing on hard and sticky candies, crunchy fresh veggies, and sticky desserts can dislodge, chip, or break your crown. It’s advisable to avoid these foods whenever you can. It takes a little while to get adjusted to your new dental crown. That is why you should try to eliminate them from your diet while you get used to your newer crowns.
  • Breaking bad habits: Do you grind your teeth when you are stressed or use your teeth as ‘tools’ for opening bottles? If ‘yes’, then stop. These habits will not only chip off the porcelain crown but also damage your natural teeth as well. Apart from this, chewing on ice chips, pencils, and hard objects can harm your crown too. By avoiding these bad habits, you can protect the investment that you did in getting your crowns and can keep your smile intact for years.
  • Resolve teeth grinding issues: Most people have a habit of clenching or grinding their teeth while they are asleep. This means they are not even aware of it. In most cases, we get the history of teeth-grinding issues from their partner. This might not seem very serious, but over time, this can take a toll on your teeth. Dr. Bajaj, our expert dentist, can tell if you have teeth-grinding problems simply by looking at your teeth. And if you have such issues, you can get a custom-fitted night guard or bite splint from our dental office. This will protect your crown from unwanted stress and pressure while you sleep.
  • Visit your dentist regularly: Regular brushing and flossing are great for oral health. However, routine dental check-ups and professional dental cleaning at every six-month interval are necessary. This makes sure that your crown is still “seated” and fitting properly over your prepared natural teeth.

At Royal East Dental, we offer state-of-the-art materials and quality crowns to our patients that are both beautiful and durable. To learn more about the types of dental crowns in Hamilton and which one is best for you, book an appointment with our dentists today.


What can you do if your dental crown falls off?

Preserve your dental crown while you wait for your dental appointment, as this is the best thing that you can do. In most cases, the crown that falls off can be cemented back onto the tooth. And if not, you will get a temporary crown while you wait for your newer crown to be manufactured.

How can you deal with a damaged crown?

If you see that your crown has chipped off or has a crack, your dentist may not be able to restore it. As per our dentists at Royal East Dental in Dundas, repaired dental crowns are more prone to damage and may not serve the purpose of getting a crown very well. In such cases, you may have to replace the entire crown.



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